Back to Pangea

Figure 1. Main Character of Back to Pangea
Figure 2. Level example.
Figure 3. Main gameplay loop

Engines, Tools and Languages used:

[Unity, C#]
[Team Projects]

GMTK Game Jam 2021

This game was my team their entry for the GTMK 2021 Game Jam. The theme was Joined Together, we came up with the idea for a frog that uses his tongue to connect islands together on a planet that should resemble earth and form 'Pangea'. The game is a time based puzzle game, including 10 levels with increasing difficulty. The game is not that big and lacks a little bit of variety but it was fun to make anyway. It is playable in your browser and it is a fun short playthrough.

My Responsibilities

I made the majority of the art for this game and also did part of the programming.